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Anita and Jon Klement met in 2016 through Christian Singles Ministry, a ministry founded by Larry McEntire in Plano, TX dedicated to helping Christians interested in lifelong, committed marriage find each other.


Anita and Jon have both been called by God to be teachers, though they have also been used by the Lord in other capacities over the years.


Anita was an armed security guard for 10 years.

Jon has been a Spanish translator for the US Census Bureau and the Illinois Secretary of State, a full-time Uber driver, a lab scientist, and has published 3 novels, 2 shorts stories, and 2 children’s books.


In March 2023, God called Jon to preach. Pastors George and Sadie Shaw took him under their wings at Lighthouse Ministries in St. Louis, MO where Jon preached his first sermons.


Jon’s grandfather was a lifelong farmer and a champion horse wagon team trainer. Jon spent much of his childhood on the farm.


Anita and her daughter Angel arrived in the US in 2020 right before the COVID crisis hit. Anita and Jon were married in 2020.


In 2022, God began speaking to Anita and Jon about rabbits. The couple began an intense study of the wonderful little critters and believe that rabbits can help people meet the needs of the coming food and economic crisis.